2020 Promotion immobilière

Reinventing retail spaces and creating value through expansions

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Reinventing retail spaces and creating value through expansions

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  • Expansions are crucial for adding value to a property, in an evolving retail universe of changing tastes, experiential challenges, and crowded catchment areas.
  • These projects are especially effective when executed with minimal impact on current operations during works, and can have a transformative effect on footfall, rents and sales afterwards.
  • Sonae Sierra is an expert at executing market-leading expansions, deploying professional services that cover a centre’s complete lifecycle to deliver stand-out, commercially viable solutions.
  • RioSul Shopping and LeiriaShopping evolved from overperforming hypermarkets to vibrant shopping centres, while Plaza Mayor added a shopping centre to the leisure centre built previously.
  • Every centre transformation starts with an analysis of the asset’s strengths and weaknesses, plus an examination of the catchment’s potential, balanced with the risks of competition.
  • An action plan is devised to expand the centre, depending on degrees of wear and tear, customer expectations, catchment potential and leasing opportunities.
  • Transformational strategies for the full lifecycle of the asset are applied to enable our clients to seize the opportunities of a stronger real estate asset in the long term.

More than 140%

increase in tenant sales

More than 80%

increase in rental income


additional shops

€212 Million


+ 55,700 m2

additional GLA

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