Leading in sustainability-linked bonds

We are the first real estate company in Portugal to link debt conditions to our sustainability impact

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Refinance part of our corporate debt

We link our upcoming debt with ambitious ESG targets as proof of our explicit commitment to future improvements in sustainability.

We refinanced part of our corporate debt, to the tune of €50 million, through the issuance of bonds linked to our sustainability performance, namely greenhouse gas emissions and the recycling rates of owned shopping centres under management.

Our goal is to continue to link our corporate debt to sustainability criteria.

€ 50 Million


Refinanced Debt


Further communicate to investors and other stakeholders

Our Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework aims to further communicate to investors and other stakeholders our ESG strategy and commitments towards carbon neutrality by 2040 and adapting our operations to a Circular Economy by linking our upcoming financing with meaningful and ambitious ESG targets. 


Second Party Opinion

Second party opinion on the Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework

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